And another paper I had to deliver for my College's corporate governance module ....
Under the Companies Acts 1963-2013, a company is a
legal body separate from the individuals who make up the membership of the
company created to run a business or social enterprise. A company can make
contracts, own property, have debts and take legal action (Government of
Ireland, 1963-2013).
The following will provide an introduction to the
roles of directors and secretaries and their duties. Every company must have at
least two directors which not
necessarily need to be members of the company and every company must have a
company secretary who may be one of the
directors. Directors are chosen by the company’s members to manage the company
on their behalf while the secretary’s main role is to make sure that the
company’s business is conducted under the aspects of the current company law
(ODCE, 2011a, p. 10).
A company director’s duties are very broad and
comprehensive as they develop essentially from two origins - statute and common
law (ODCE, 2011b). In the following a director’s duties originating in common
law will be summarised.
Following The Right Honourable Lord Millet a
‘fiduciary is someone who has undertaken to act for and on behalf of another in
a particular matter in circumstances which give rise to a relationship of trust
and confidence’ (Mothew (t/a Stapley & Co) v Bristol & West Building
Society, 1996). As Lord Millet expressed, a fiduciary epitomizes the obligation
of extreme loyalty towards the person or organisation the duty is owed to.
Directors are expected to fulfil their duties in good faith to the best of the
organisation and not to misuse their powers. It is a director’s primary duty to
act in what he honestly believes to be in the company’s interest as a whole,
rather than in a particular member’s interest. The director’s honesty in what
he believes, and not what the court believes, to be in the best interest of the
company is of great significance here and must be distinguished from his
non-fiduciary duty to observe reasonable care, skill and diligence.
A director is committed to exercise his duties with
due care, skill and diligence as he is liable for all losses from his
neglectful doing. Under common law he would not be held liable for
misjudgements, but for gross negligence. As a director would normally have a
higher degree of expertise a higher standard of competence is expected of him
in controlling the company affairs. However, his actions are only judged in the
context of what a reasonably judicious person with the same knowledge and
skills would have done in a comparable situation (Redmond, 2014).
In situations where a director misused his power, any
of his actions taken would be void but could be agreed to by a general meeting
of the company members afterwards.
Directors must not make undisclosed profits from their
position as directors and have to disclose any gains they secretly accept due
to their function as director. Being involved in a business competing with the
company they represent as a director is not automatically considered a breach
of their duties as a director, but it may be considered as a breach of a
director’s duty of fidelity and loyalty to the company if the director has a
contract of employment or a service contract with the organisation (Redmond,
However, a director must generally avoid situations
from which a conflict of interest may result unless these situations are
disclosed to the company. Contraventions may result in the obligation to render
up the yield they earned as a result of their position as a director.
The role of a company secretary evolved greatly in
recent years from being only a “note taker“ or “administrative servant” to a
much wider role of a kind of advisor to the board of directors, having
responsibility for the company’s corporate governance belongings. Beside that,
main functions are, for example, the daily administrational tasks. Even though
the Companies Acts inflict several statutory duties on a company secretary,
these are rather not their exclusive responsibility, but more likely inclined
to be obligations that are handled by the secretary and a director. For
example, is the ‘signing the annual return’ a duty which also needs to be completed
by a director of the company. A company secretary’s main tasks apart from the
statutory duties are delineated below.
A company secretary is accountable for the disclosure
of specific information to be included in the ‘Register of Directors and
Secretary’ and the ‘Register of Directors’ and Secretary’s Interests. This
information comprises:
- name
- address
- registered office address (if the secretary is itself a company)
- interests held in shares and debentures of the company i.e. number and amount, and
- details of any shares or debentures purchased or sold in the company, its holding company, any subsidiary or any subsidiary of its holding company.
A company secretary’s duty to exercise due care, skill
and diligence is very similar not to say of the same origin than the same duty
of company directors. He or she will only be held liable for losses resulting
from negligent behaviour. Therefore a secretary does not need to exert a higher
grade of diligence than to be reasonably expected from a person with their
level of knowledge and experience.
The maintenance of the company’s statutory registers
and minute books is usually one of the duties of a company secretary as is
often the responsibility and custody of the company’s seal.
The annual general meeting is one of the most
important in the fiscal year, as it is usually the only meeting when members
and directors meet. The secretary is normally the one to make sure that all
requirements, for example notice requirements, are met, which is of substantial
significance as failing these requirements may be lead to invalidating
resolutions (James, 2012).
Preparing and forwarding the ‘board packs’, agenda,
‘minutes’, papers or accounts which are to be sent to the directors before
scheduled board meetings, is one of the secretary’s tasks in which he or she
will normally follow the chairman’s instructions.
The task of ‘minute taking’ is normally a task of the
secretary. As ‘minutes’ do not have a legal status and are considered to be
only a ‘draft’ until approved and signed by the chairman, the form of these
‘minutes’ is to be determined by the board. After the approval of the board and
being signed by the chairman, these ‘minutes’ become officially the minutes of
the meeting and cannot be altered afterwards (ODCE, 2011c, pp. 6-7).
The increased burden that is laid on a company
secretary allows to say that the company secretary has evolved into a kind of
guardian of the company’s compliance with legal requirements, which is the
inference of the vast number of other duties and tasks with the emphasis on
legal requirements including the information of the Board about new legislation
and how this concerns the company (Deloitte, 2014).
Deloitte, 2014. The changing role of the company
secretary. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 08 12 2014].
Government of Ireland, 1963-2013. Companies Act,
1963-2013. Dublin: Stationery Office.
James, J. H., 2012. The Role of the Company Secretary.
[Online] Available at: [Accessed 08 12 2014].
Mothew (t/a Stapley & Co) v Bristol & West
Building Society (1996).
ODCE, 2011a. Information Book 1: The Principal Duties
and Powers of Companies. Dublin: Office of the Director of Corporate
ODCE, 2011b. Information Book 2: The Principal Duties
and Powers of Company Directors. Dublin: Office of the Director of Corporate
ODCE, 2011c. Information Book 3: The Principal Duties
and Powers of Company Secretaries. Dublin: Office of the Director of Corporate
Redmond, A., 2014. Powers & Obligations. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 08 12 2014].
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